“The Race between Education and Technology” is a book written by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz that explores the role of education in shaping economic and social mobility in the United States. The authors argue that education has played a critical role in the country’s economic development and in helping people improve their social and economic status. However, they also argue that education has struggled to keep pace with technological change, which has led to rising inequality and declining mobility.
The book begins by examining the history of education in the United States, including the expansion of higher education and the development of vocational education. Goldin and Katz argue that these developments have helped to create a more educated and skilled workforce, which has contributed to the country’s economic growth. However, they also argue that the rapid pace of technological change has made it difficult for education to keep up, leading to rising inequality as those with higher levels of education have been able to take advantage of new technologies while those with less education have been left behind.
The authors also discuss the role of education in shaping social mobility and inequality. They argue that education has played a critical role in helping people move up the social ladder and that those with more education are more likely to experience upward mobility. However, they also argue that education has not been able to fully offset the impact of other factors, such as race and class, on mobility.
Throughout the book, Goldin and Katz present a wealth of data and research to support their arguments, including data on trends in education, income, and inequality. They also offer suggestions for how education can be improved to better meet the needs of a rapidly changing economy, including increasing access to higher education, improving vocational education, and investing in research and development.
Overall, “The Race between Education and Technology” is an important and thought-provoking book that offers valuable insights into the role of education in shaping economic and social mobility in the United States. It is a must-read for anyone interested in education policy and the intersection of education and technology.